Technical Challenge : Shadows and Reflections

Congratulations to Senior Winner Bertie Price for "Water Drop Reflections",
and Junior Winner Avril Janssen for "Red and black"

Thank you to Rob Hart for judging. Please note that all photos for 2020 Technical Challenges must be taken after 6 November 2019 - one photograph has been disqualified by the judge below.
"Reworks" by the judge referred to in captions, are shown at the bottom of the page.

-5-TC-Water Drop Reflections 2-Bertie-Price-
-5-TC-Water Drop Reflections 2-Bertie-Price-

14 Merit
Criteria for TC are excellently captured by this image, which 'ticks' all the boxes on all general criteria as well. Image speaks for itself unequivocally

-5-TC-Shadow Tennis-Bertie-Price-
-5-TC-Shadow Tennis-Bertie-Price-

10 Gold
Very imaginative image, enhanced by the diagonal placement of its components. However, better focus on the racket, rather than on the shadows, arguably detracts from the overall result. EXIF data show use of a surprisingly shallow DoF (f/1.9) with a very wide-angle lens (3.6 mm - equivalent of 27 mm). Textured surface on which the shadows fall is effective.

-5-TC-shadow runners-Phil-Muller-
-5-TC-shadow runners-Phil-Muller-

9 Silver
This panoramic image, while interesting and compliant with the criteria for this TC, simply did not gel for me.

-5-TC-Shade and Shadows-Bertie-Price-
-5-TC-Shade and Shadows-Bertie-Price-

7 Silver
While understanding what the author is attempting here, for me the result was not very convincing. The shadows are effectively overwhelmed by the very dark holes in the leaf, leaving little in the way of true shadows with which to consider them.

-5-TC-Rose reflection-Des-van Tonder-
-5-TC-Rose reflection-Des-van Tonder-

11 Gold
Strikingly bold image, with lovely details and saturated colours of the rose tending to direct attention away from its reflection

-5-TC-Red Cross reflections-Rob-Hart-
-5-TC-Red Cross reflections-Rob-Hart-

9 Silver
Well seen! Good leading lines, and nice texture on the bricks, however, the reflection is a small part of the image.

-5-TC-Rainbow In The Kitchen Sink-Maxi-Holder-
-5-TC-Rainbow In The Kitchen Sink-Maxi-Holder-

7 Silver
Interesting image, impact of which was, for me, reduced by the intensity of scratches on the reflective surface - the sink. Unclear quite what is being reflected - other than some diffracted light source?

-5-TC-Occupied Strelitzia Leaf-Maxi-Holder-
-5-TC-Occupied Strelitzia Leaf-Maxi-Holder-

12 Gold
Well seen, and well handled, with detail of the leaf retained, along with the frog's shadow.

-5-TC-Double yellow-Des-van Tonder-
-5-TC-Double yellow-Des-van Tonder-

9 Silver
While meeting the general criteria for this TC, the exquisite detail and rendition of the flower itself commands the viewer's attention, rendering the reflection almost redundant.

-5-TC-Discarded Dahlia-Maxi-Holder-
-5-TC-Discarded Dahlia-Maxi-Holder-

11 Gold
Very pleasing image. Soft pastel colours are well captured. Duplication of some reflections in the water drops reflects an imaginative 'take'. Well done

-5-TC-Candle light-Rob-Hart-
-5-TC-Candle light-Rob-Hart-

8 Silver
Definitely reflections, but just very busy - nice sharp flame, but then the eye bounces all over the place a bit

-5-TC-Cabbage tree reflection-Rob-Hart-
-5-TC-Cabbage tree reflection-Rob-Hart-

12 Gold
Great reflection here and composition, and love the natural colours.

-4-TC-Zigzag Light-Doug-Couperthwaite-
-4-TC-Zigzag Light-Doug-Couperthwaite-

11 Gold
Somewhat duplicates an earlier entry (Garden Light), but with a different orientation (landscape rather than portrait aspect) that offers a wider reflection, seemingly under windier conditions, to generate a more ethereal effect. IMHO, the final result is too grainy, however, and some dark blemishes should be legitimately removed.

-4-TC-Wine and dine-Ronelle-van den Heever-
-4-TC-Wine and dine-Ronelle-van den Heever-

13 Merit
Bold and well considered image. Its multi-facetted composition could be considered too busy - with different objects competing for attention, but this did not unduly distract me.

-4-TC-Rainbow Reflections-Doug-Couperthwaite-
-4-TC-Rainbow Reflections-Doug-Couperthwaite-

12 Gold
Image captures a boldly 'abstract' reflection. Well done.

-4-TC-Garden Light-Doug-Couperthwaite-
-4-TC-Garden Light-Doug-Couperthwaite-

11 Gold
Interesting image, capturing a somewhat soft, 'ethereal' effect.

-4-TC-For the love of reading-Heidi-Taylor-
-4-TC-For the love of reading-Heidi-Taylor-

10 Gold
Interesting take, mimicing a common 'Google' example shown of shadow images. Portrayal of the colour of the glass frames in the 'shadow' is perplexing, given that the surface on which the shadow is thrown is a non-reflective paper book-page. Presumably the frames are translucent. For me, grainyness of the text page detracts from the resulting image. No EXIF data to examine.

-4-TC-Beach reflections-Heidi-Taylor-
-4-TC-Beach reflections-Heidi-Taylor-

11 Gold
Good attempt. Reflections themselves are the real interest in this image, and perhaps could be made more so by judicious cropping of upper image (which also reduces apparent over-toppling of subjects - see Worked version). 'Softness' of reflections (presumably invoked by rippling of retreating water - no EXIF data to consider influence of aperture, etc.) adds to the effectiveness of the image.

-3-TC-shadow walker-Liesl-Couperthwaite-
-3-TC-shadow walker-Liesl-Couperthwaite-

12 Gold
Good idea. But, for me, overall 'fuzziness' of image detracts from its impact. Near amputation of one foot could be corrected. Cloning 'down' and 'left' (giving space to walk into) improves overall composition (see worked version).

-3-TC-Red and Black-Avril-Janssen-
-3-TC-Red and Black-Avril-Janssen-

15 Merit
Excellent result for this TC, providing BOTH shadows and reflections. As with earlier 'grasses' image, viewer is initially tricked into suspecting image is mis-oreinted; perhaps inviting 'closer' inspection. Remarkable overall sharpness and clarity, particularly for f/4 aperture.

-3-TC-let me in-Liesl-Couperthwaite-
-3-TC-let me in-Liesl-Couperthwaite-

12 Gold
Well imagined. Suspecting some shadows on the door from the burglar guard railings, I used Shadows/Highlight adjustment to confirm. What I had envisaged as potential shadows proved to be grooves in the door, but the worked version (which also removes unwanted blemishes) suggests that greater interest could have been captured.

-3-TC-Glassy Grass-Paul-Naude-
-3-TC-Glassy Grass-Paul-Naude-

13 Merit
Intriguing image, initially suggesting 'incorrect' orientation; expect grasses to stand 'up'. But result accomplishes objectives of this TC very well-drawing viewer's eye to content of the reflections themselves. Good colours and contrast, but no EXIF data to examine.

-3-TC-bubble light-Liesl-Couperthwaite-
-3-TC-bubble light-Liesl-Couperthwaite-

13 Merit
Really great imaginative image - content of reflections is truly captured here. Intriguing (and perplexing) inverted mirror image of house on Left Hand Side is captured on RHS, without similar capture of camera/tripod/photographer reflection. Image 'softness' does not worry me here. Minor adjustment of Shadows/Highlights arguably improves result. Unfortunate that lower part of bubble was not captured.

-2-TC-Tarnished fork shadow-Tracey-Rhodes-
-2-TC-Tarnished fork shadow-Tracey-Rhodes-

8 Silver
Nice try, but effect reduced by rather soft focus throughout (despite f/22). Be aware of unwanted artefacts (spots, etc.).

-2-TC-D and D dice-Tracey-Rhodes-
-2-TC-D and D dice-Tracey-Rhodes-

8 Silver
Imaginative image - although it fits criteria for this TC, most of the image is plain empty white space (suggesting it as more appropriate for the WC of Minimalism), while the dice itself (the relevant subject matter here) is rather soft (f/5,6). Re-worked version shown.

-2-TC-Castleburn Dam-Marna-Roelofse-
-2-TC-Castleburn Dam-Marna-Roelofse-

DISQUALIFIED. EXIF data gives shooting date as 29 Sept 2019.

-2-TC-Basketball net shadow-Tracey-Rhodes-
-2-TC-Basketball net shadow-Tracey-Rhodes-

11 Gold
Good attempt; shadows of plaster contours add a subtle extra dimension. You could have removed the blemish (? a moth) to right of net support. Image detail of net rather 'soft' - consider using aperture greater than f/5.6.

-1-TC-railing shadows-connel-adey-
-1-TC-railing shadows-connel-adey-

11 Gold
Thoughtful attempt at this TC. But resulting image is very 'grainy' (perhaps artifact of using f/18, presumably to increase total DoF), likewise resulting in halo effects along hand rails in foreground and also more distant objects on horizon (hills and roofs).


9 Silver
A good attempt. A little too much presented here. Cropping off the top third would make a much stronger image.


11 Gold
Nicely presented image. The low angle of the light has created some interesting shadows. Well done.

Reworks by the judge

Speed is set at 5 seconds per photo. Use arrows to scroll between photos.